French language schools in France

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Found 35 listes
Types de cours proposés / Type of course available:

General French - Exam preparation -  French for Specific and Professional - Online courses - Juniors

10 Rue des Arts, 31000 Toulouse
Types de cours proposés / Type of course available:

General French - Teachers training - Exam preparation - French for Specific and Professional -  Online courses - Juniors

16 Rue Jean-Henri Schnitzler, 67000 Strasbourg
Types de cours proposés / Type of course available:

General French - Teachers training - Exam preparation - French for Specific and Professional - Online courses - Juniors

2 rue Jules Ferry 34000 Montpellier
Types de cours proposés / Type of course available:

General French - Teachers training - Exam preparation - French for Specific and Professional -  Online courses

82 Rue Duguesclin, 69006 Lyon
Types de cours proposés / Type of course available:

General French  / Teachers training / Exam preparation / French for Specific and Professional / Online courses

5 rue Simier / 4 rue Chaptal, Tours 37000